I thought I would just do a quick picture blog of me and my Daughter Alexis being baptized on Easter 2010, at Time Warner Arena! It was an amazing day with a great message from Pastor Furtick of Elevation Church!

I will be posting more in the next few days to share with you all the great things God is doing in our family!!

of preschool...

The day has finally come that Miss Mack has joined the ranks of millions of other toddlers. PRESCHOOL/Daycare... I was very nervous when I dropped her off but she however, not so much! I took her inside and she just looked at me and said "bye momma" and then she was gone just like that. There were some tears but then I realized they were mine.

When I picked her up she was happy to see me...kinda. She acknowledge me for a split second then went back to what she was doing. On the car ride home she just babbled about coloring, singing, sharing, taking turns, oh...and hitting another kid. Hmmm....I guess I should find out what happen with that. All in all a good day was had.

I guess I need to put on my big girl panties and suck it up...my baby is growing up and she doesn't need me all the time. It's a sad day for me but I am so proud of her.


So I've been out of the blogging thing lately...with summer and what not. However, I wanted to share a few cool things that has happened to my family. Mostly my husband Kelley. I am going to admit though that I am about to cheat and post a link from My Pastor's Blog, Steven Furtick...since what I want to share was posted there in the first place.

Read the blog and watch the video...BTW it's my husband in the video! <3


This has been a real challenge for me and Mack. She has spurts of when she wants to try...lately though she goes into freak out mode when I even mention the word "potty". Now I know that a child will not train until they are ready BUUUUTTT....if they go hide to do poop and can tell you they did...then I would say they are ready right???? Well, I am going to keep pressing forward but not real sure if it will EVER happen. :) I am convinced she will go to college in a diaper! The one thing I will say that hasn't changed since the process started is her choice of entertainment while trying. ;)....Oh...she has gotten some hair too!!!

Soooo....I think my Mack just might give American Idol finalist Adam a run for his money with her own rendition of Queen's "We will rock you". I think she might have a good chance!!!

Sorry the video is a bit grainy...I recorded it on my phone....

I don't usually post twice in a day...but I felt this was warranted considering my other post today.

Well, I think it is safe to say I am being tested....
As I stated in my previous post I have a Sister who suffers from Major Mental Illness. She has been going down the wrong path for as long as I can remember. I haven't spoken to her in a couple of years...because I had no idea how to get in touch with her or where she was. Shortly after I posted my previous entry I received a phone call..on my mothers cell phone. I didn't recognize the voice on the other end to be my mother, actually I didn't recognize it at all!

Turns out it was my sister! Ok so what are the chances she would call me today...? Apparently pretty good...

So now I have to put my money where my mouth is...so to speak.

She told me she loved me and missed her big sister. She claims she is on her way to recovery and is going to church with my mom on Sunday! I told her I loved her and MISSED her too and that I would Pray for her. I Pray for God's Grace and power to save her from herself. I don't know what my role is or will be in this but I have to believe God has a purpose and a plan...for her, for me and for the healing of my family!